#47- Audience Interaction

 Throughout the project I engaged with audiences with the blog, the magazine and the Instagram account. My peers and others are able to access my blog to see all the updates I have made. They be able to get a look at brainstorming, behind the scenes, film day diaries, and other interesting information. The magazine would be less likely to gather attention from the audience, however, it still gives relevant and helpful information about the making and subject of the documentary. 

The social media account is where is at though. The Instagram account was one of the minor tasks for my portfolio for A Level Media Studies. However, it came as second nature to me since I have grown up on social media. I had to make a total of 10 posts, some examples of posts I made: Poster, promotional video for tickets, and clip from an interview. The instagram helps audience directly engage with the media product and persuades them to go watch the film/documentary you are promoting. The audience is able to like and comment on posts. They are also given the opportunity to send posts to friends and share them on their stories, helping to share the documentary. 

Circled are the three options of liking, commenting and sharing. 

Here are some examples of audience interaction from the Instagram account:

Pictured above is nine out of twenty one likes on the post of the official poster for the documentary. 

Pictured above are comments made on the promotional video for purchasing tickets. This shows that audiences are interested in seeing the documentary. 

Pictured above is a story, created by me, sharing a post from the Instagram account to get a wider audience for the documentary.


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