#46- Finalizing Editing

 I finally finished the Final Cut!!!! I edited all afternoon yesterday to get it finished. This will allow for me to finish the Critical Reflection before Monday, March 11th (project due date). I do feel like I could have planned better and not have a week to write my Critical Reflection. I have wrote big essays/papers before, so I got this. However, back to the topic of the blog post: the finalization of editing. 

Before yesterday I had all the interviews edited to the sections I wanted in the final cut and had all of the sound edited, I also added a clip of Elliana on stage singing. I had a video from the second interview of her singing, however, the audio due to the location we were in made it should as good as I've heard her sing before. I took it out and replaced it with an on stage performance. So, yesterday I edited in all of the extra media on top of the interviews to give the same shots a break. I wanted diversity in my footage, so different camera angles and added media makes it more appealing for the audience. 

(Added Elliana's favorite stage picture when she discussed that she can't imagine her life without theatre.)

(Added a photo from Elliana's second performance at UT when she discussed that since being at UT she has felt that she has improved tremendously. The taker of the photo was credited.)

(Added a group of photos from Elliana's first performance at UT, because she was talking about her experience preforming in Horse Girls. The taker of the photos was credited.)

(I did a credits roll to give credit to Elliana and myself. It is quick and doesn't take much time but it credits people.)

Now that I finished with editing, I was able to export my final cut to my external hard drive. It will stay there until March 11th. On Monday, I will upload it to YouTube and link it my blog. 


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