#39- Inside the Magazine

 I have my magazine company and the cover figured out. Now it is time to discover different ways to make it a magazine with content. I did a quick google search for examples of what the inside of a magazine should look like. For the final product for my portfolio I will only have four pages. The cover, one full spread and a back. 

This is a possible layout I could do for the spread in the magazine. I want to incorporate a lot of photos that I have taken. There is text one both sides, I'm thinking that I want ti split up the article into two sections. One section on Elliana Gorecki specifically and one section on the filming of the documentary. 

Photos I would like to use in the first section:

Photos I would like to use in the second section:

The first section will be a whole feature about Elliana and the specifics of her upcoming. It will be similar to the interviews, but a different set of questions asked. The second section will be a feature about the filming of the documentary. 


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