Yes!!!! The poster is here and I'm so excited to share it on the Instagram page. I have filmed and edited all that I need for the clips that will be used in my Final Cut. I will post that on March 1st to YouTube and will discuss more about it in a different blog post. I also need to cover the full picture of the documentary in a different blog post, that full cut would be what is released on March 1st (stated in the poster). 

Let's deep dive into the making of this poster. The goal for February 16th, was to film the second interview and do a photoshoot in the theatre she works and performs in. However, that didn't work out. There were never surly promises, so... sadly I'm working with what I got. I had her send me a lot of extra media that I can incorporate into the project, to make up for what I lacked. I was sitting with nothing good for poster picture, then she sent me this photo. It is her on a famous theatre stage and she looks amazing. I had to use it. I was able to make it my own with the text for the poster. 

It features the heading "A documentary by Lizette Nieves" and the title for the documentary. I thought it would be appropriate to add extra things like "Best Picture of the Year" and reviews, This is because other movie and documentary posters had these features. It makes it look more legit and, in my opinion, better.     

Overall, the making of the poster wasn't too hard. It took me around an hour to create and I am very happy with how it turned out. I even asked my family and peers their opinions on it, and everyone had positive feedback. The one thing I would change is having a better background photo. However, the one I have does the job at giving contexts to the documentary itself. 

I also took the time to make a smaller and simpler "poster" for the profile picture of the Instagram page:


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