#36- Filming Day Two

 February 16th, 2024

Today, I drove to Tampa to film my second interview with Elliana Gorecki on the campus of the University of Tampa. 

Things did not go as I planned, however, it is ok. I have also had time on the drive home to reflect on my creative ideas. I realized that I have not created a brand (production company) for my project or an outline of the full picture. Since I have decided to go with the DocBill cover for the magazine, I will base my whole brand for the project off that. I will discuss that further in a different blog. Let's talk about today.

I wanted to film the interview inside the theatre that she works and performs in, however, it was booked for today. Which I planned for it not working out, and knew it would still be good to film inside her dorm. I asked her the questions I planned and got all the footage I needed. I was very decent with how it turned out, I could have done better. However, I have to remember I am not filming the entire documentary, just a part of it. These five minutes with include these two interviews I filmed as if it is a look into the full documentary of "Elliana Gorecki: The Upcoming of a Theatre Kid."

(Main filming camera)

We didn't get to do a full photoshoot, because she said she didn't want to. However, I did get a few photos of her in the dorm room. These can be used in the Instagram and the magazine. She also took me on a tour of the University of Tampa campus. I have a lot of images from that. These can be used in the Instagram.

(photo in dorm room on filming camera)

(photo from tour on iPhone camera)



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