#33- Other Cover Inspo (Time's Version)

The next magazine I explored was Time. This magazine company features informative stories that inform stories about politics, business, health, science and entertainment. The specific magazines from them I looked into were the features on entertainment. These magazines, like the other two I researched, feature one picture with a big title. This makes this one picture the focus of the magazine, it is who the main story of the magazine is about. The example I really like is the time magazine about Greta Gerwig:

 Greta Gerwig is the main focus of the article, she is even shown as more important the title of the magazine company. I say this because she is covering the title. Anyways, any audience that sees this magazine will be picking it up because of Greta Gerwig and the hook title and text featured on the side. The title of the feature is very simple: "Lights. Camera. Power." This is not what draws me in, but the subtext underneath is what created my interest. "How women are redirecting Hollywood... and America." By playing into the female audience made it more interesting to me, and the fact that Greta Gerwig is a very important woman director. 

For my project the main focus would be Elliana Gorecki, so she would be the big picture in the cover. The title would be the same as it would be in the Backstage magazine: "Theatre Upcoming." Underneath the title of the feature I would use a quote from someone. I could get a quote from a peer, either a past classmate or current classmate. This is because he has seen all of the progression of my project and had Elliana Gorecki as a student a few years ago.  

The magazine cover inspired by Time would look like:

Taking this and the last blog post into account, I think I like the Playbill inspired magazine better. This is because I created my own magazine company title for it. This makes it more unique to my project and me. So, the first magazine cover I did would be the best for this part of the project. However, I will take inspiration from Backstage and Time for the contents of the magaizne. This is because Playbills don't look like normal magazines inside, since the feature are online and the physical copies of Playbill go over the theatre performances and the actors/characters. 


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