#27- Media from Others

 For the documentary it is important that it is not just interviews. That would make a very boring documentary with a lack of variety. The changed in camera angle will only do so much. It is important that I incorporated different media and aspects to the documentary. 

This includes clips, photos and music from the topic being discussed. So, I believe I should use all of these media forms in my documentary. However, a question arises. This question being "Can I do that?" Can I add media that I haven't filmed into the documentary I'M creating? How do I go about adding context the interviews to make it more appealing to the audience? Where can I get this media? Is it fair use?

In the first interview, Elliana talks about her growing up then finding musical theatre through Wicked and then participating in her first theatre experience in sixth grade. To give supporting evidence for this interview I need clips and photos from her at the Wicked show and from her first theatre experience. This will help expand the quality and variety of the interview. 

These media forms are obviously not taken by me, so I would need approval from the person who took it. In the documentary I would need to give credit. How I would do this is by putting a title card on the media. When it shows there will be text on the bottom stating "taken by ____." I will also make a section in the credits titled "media sources" and state the names of everyone I got supporting media from. This will be exactly how I will credit everyone for the works that I didn't capture that will help further the context of the interviews. 

None of these clips or photos will be copywriter because I'm getting them from the source directly and not copying them from the internet. 

For music, I wouldn't use any music from Broadway shows that will cause the documentary to be copyrighted. I have been thinking I might input a video of Elliana singing into the documentary. However, I'm not completely sure. If the two interviews I film take five minutes I won't be able to put any other clips with sound. When I'm in the final part of the editing process, I will then decide.

Before I can even think about that, I would have to know if that would be considered copyright because the works she sings come from other creators. Unfortunately, it would be considered copyright if I don't have permission from the original creator. The platform I'll be posting on, YouTube, may take down my video. So, this might not be an option. 

Anyways, I can still use clips and photos from her friends and family members as long as I have permission and give them credit. All of the media will greatly help give the documentary more context and variety. This will make it more appealing to the audience. 

In my next blog post I'll show you some of the media I have attained from Elliana, however, I still need more from her.  


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