#26- Instagram Post (Seconded)

 I planned on making the second post on the instagram last week, however, I got behind. So, today I want to post a snippet of the interview I filmed. This will give the audience insigne on what will be included in the final cut.  I'm posting a clip because a lot of Instagram accounts for movies, shows, documentaries and streaming platforms post clips to gain the interest of viewers. 

This post was from the Netflix official Instagram account. It is a quick clip from a movie featured on the streaming site. The caption is a clever description of the scene. The point of this post is to inspire/motivate the viewer to watch the film the clip is from. This is an excellent marketing skill to have. It is important that I make a lot of interesting post on the Instagram to market the documentary. 

I'm deciding to post this clip from the interview:

The caption idea I have are: 

- "The musical theatre history of Elliana."

- "When sparks flew between Elliana and theatre."

- "Elliana speaking on her origins in the musical theatre world"

I think the last idea is the most formal caption. The others are kind of silly, I believe. I think the final caption will be "Introducing the first look into the 'Upcoming of a Theatre Kid' documentary. Here Elliana Gorecki is speaking on her origins in the musical theatre world."

Here is the official post:


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