#25- Plans for Future Filming

 January 20, 2024

 Today I reached out to Elliana about how her semester has been! I did this just to get a feel about how her theatre life is currently looking. 

 The goal is to film the rest of the documentary by mid-February and edit the rest of February. Knowing that she will have finished three auditions. She will hopefully be casted for once and I can take a trip to Tampa one weekend! I even have been thinking that I can spend a weekend with her and even come to one of her practices of a show. I don't know if that is overstepping and I would never want to be a complication. 

Honestly if she doesn't get casted I can still go to Tampa to interview Elliana. I want to re-ask questions from the first interview and ask new questions. Some of the questions answered in the first interview were very after college related, so I want to have her re-answer, not that she messed up how she stated them, I just want them in a different interview so I can put it at the end of the five minuted of the documentary. 

To add footage, other than the two interviews, we can go to the theatre she preforms (and works at) and tell the audience more about it. I can film this with a handheld shot as if the audience is right in the action with her. The day of filming I may improvise some shots and angles! When I finally get a confirmation of days I can film I will update the blog!

In my next blog post I'll post my second Instagram post.


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