#23- First Interview Shot Breakdown

  This blog post is a part two of the making of the first interview with Elliana Gorecki. In the the last blog post, part one, I discussed the specifics of editing the interview. That included cutting, placing and sound editing of all the clips. So, in this blog post I'll specifically discuss the camera shots I used during production and the transitions I used during editing (post-production). 

To start off the scene I filmed some establishing shots. These are long-shots of the location of filming. Most documentaries have location cards paired with the establishing shots. It took me at least five minutes to go out to the road a film these shots. They will give the audience more context on the subject. It is unsaid, but for the interview I chose Hudson, Florida because that is where Ella grew up. Having an interview talking about what brought her to musical theatre the location being from where she is from adds more perspective.

Right after the establishing shot there is a fade to black transition. Then the next shot that follows is the name card and main angle for the interview. It is a mid shot with the use of the rule of thirds. It is just the main angle I used because it is straight on. The window is used for some backlight. However, she is the main focus of the shot, nothing else in the background should distract the audience. It is a very basic shot for a documentary interview that shows body language and her engagement in the "storytelling." 

Then I also incorporated a different angle to give variety. Not every documentary interview has a different angle, but I thought it was important to add. It is a close-up, higher angled shot. The point of this is to focus on Elliana's facial expressions. This will result in emotional impact and intimacy.The facial expressions will help further the impact of her answers and give the audience a connection with her and feel like they are in conversation with her listening to her. 

In my next blog post I will compare the first interview final cut with the inspiration. 


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