#22- Editing First Interview

 I finally decided, today, to get the editing for the first interview finished with. I took the whole class period for my A Level Media studies and worked hard. All of my media is stored on my external hard drive then it was transferred onto my computer. After that I downloaded the clips I wanted into iMovie, I was able to start cutting the clips and editing them together.

 I used voice memos for recording the audio during the interviews, however, the main camera I used for filming has a really good operating microphone attached. So, in the editing process I noticed this and thought I should keep this audio in the final cut of the interview. The second angle camera did not pick up the audio as well and sounded very different. In the scenario I was able to detach the audio from clip and spread it to the other clip. This keeps the audio continuous while there was a cut from one camera to the other. I was very pleased that iMovie let me do this because I had two different camera angles for all of these questions. It was important to have these two angles to have a main that focused on Ella, then one that was close-up to focus on her facial expressions. When she was expressing her feelings about the school she chose it was important to have a close-up angle that showed how her face lit up when talking about how her college was perfect for her. 

1. The clip from the main camera. Her she is discussing how the high school she came from didn't have any preforming arts for her to participating in. 

2. The close-up angle of the continuing the same discussing (just a different angle). She continues by saying how everything at her university is around preforming arts. I decided to cut to the close up of this part of the discussing because her facial expressions show that she is happy she chose the university she is studying at. 

3. The audio from the main camera clip. I detached it from the clip and continued the audio over the close-up clip. This is because I wanted to keep continues audio, instead of cutting the audio and making the sound choppy. 

 In the end I have only added some of the answers on this interview. Some of the questions I asked didn't feel like they belonged in the first interview. I'll re-ask her and have her give me similar answers for the next interview. They feel like they would sound better in the later part of the documentary. This is because she talked about her plans after college and dreams to be on Broadway. The answers make more sense in a different interview since this interview is more about her school life and past. 

In my next blog post I'll complete a full breakdown of my shots for this interview.  


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