#21- Portfolio Plan

 I have filmed the first interview, took photos for my magazine and posted the first post on the documentary's Instagram. Now I can start working on the Final Cut, however, it's obvious it is not the only thing I can do. I have to continue working towards getting another interview with Elliana and filming her at UT and working on building the other aspects of the portfolio. 

 For the editing process I'm using iMovie. This is the easy-to-use editing software on my personal computer. I use all of the media files (the clips from the interview+recorded audio) that I have stored on my external hard drive and download them into my movie project on iMovie. From here I can place them in the format I want and edit them. I can edit the length I want to be shown, add audio that I recorded, add transitions (so it is not just straight cuts), and text on screen (for names/dates/locations). 

 The editing process will be easier than before because of my familiarity of iMovie. However, I have only used the editing software on my phone. So, I'll have a trial and error process figuring out what I have to click on the keyboard that I could just click on my phone screen for. 

 I believe that the finished product will show that I successfully used iMovie to create a presentable 5-minute documentary. I will have all of my clips edited together in an organized way that allows the audience to peak into the life of Elliana Gorecki.

 The editing software I'll use is Canva. This application helps editing together magazines so easy. It has a bunch of different formats that I can follow to form together my magazine for the portfolio. 

The Instagram post will all be done by me without the help of any formatting software. I have many years of experience on social media and making post on Instagram. The first post I created shows that exactly. 

In my next blog post I'll go through the process of editing the interview I filmed on January 1st, 2024. I'm editing this so soon, so I have it done. When I film more I'll fit in those clips and build upon my documentary. This will make it easier for me in the future. 


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