#20- First Instagram Post

 Since I took a photoshoot with Elliana Gorecki, I now finally have photos to use for Instagram post. It would be good to make the first post on the Instagram to be a poster for the documentary or introduction to the subject of the documentary. I currently don't have a poster for the documentary, so my first post will be a picture from the photoshoot and an introduction to Elliana in the caption

Out of my five favorite photos from the photoshoot I'm picking this one for the introduction post on the instagram: 

Now it's time to decide what the caption for the post should be. I'm going to take some information from the interview I conducted on January 1st and from the conversation I had with Elliana during the photoshoot and behind the scenes. I'm not going to make the caption very long because I know on social media a lot of people will lose interest if the caption is long. This is because social media is very fast paced with scrolling and liking and full of younger audiences. People usually never stop and read a long caption, unless they are in the mood to read it. 

After some brainstorming I've decided the caption will be:

"Introducing Elliana Gorecki, the star of the Lizette Nieves filmed documentary "The Upcoming of a Theatre Kid." Elliana is a 19 year old studying at the University of Tampa. She is very sweet, bubbly and has passion for musical theatre. She dreams of moving to New York and becoming a star on Broadway after graduating from college with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts."

Here is the end product (post):

The next post will most likely not be the poster for the documentary. I won't be able to take a picture for it until February when I visit Elliana in Tampa. However, that is okay. It's okay because Instagram allows an account to pin at least three post. These pinned post will show up first on the instagram account. 


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