#19- Headshots

 One of my hobbies outside of school is photography. I have been doing it for awhile and have completed many photoshoots. So, this explains why I have cameras, a tripod and lights for filming. I also used all of this equipment to do a photoshoot with Elliana! The photoshoot allowed me to further ask questions about her and her life that I can used later. We talked further into her dream of being on Broadway, her plans and conversation gave me things I can use in the captions on the Instagram post. Other than that we took a lot of photos on my Grandma's property. I will use these photos in the documentary's Instagram and the magazine that is part of my portfolio for A Level Media Studies. 

Here are some of the photos I took (my favorites):

Here is the link to a gallery with all of the photos: https://lizzyfaynieves.passgallery.com/-ellianagoreckiheadshots/gallery 

In the next blog post I'll be able to make the first post on the Instagram for the documentary with a photo from this photoshoot.


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