#9- Purpose of Documentary

 The theme for a story, film and documentary should be defined as the idea and/or purpose. There are many topics that can have a specific purpose for sharing through a documentary. some of these topics include: Health Issues, Environmental Issues, Countries/Cultures, Animals, etc. Documentaries can be used to focus on topics like this for a purpose, and that is where the theme is created. 

An example of a documentary that covers the topic of environmental issues would be "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret." 

This documentary follows an environmentalist on their exploration of how the animal agricultural industry large-scale effects on the environment and features a plan to global sustainability for the future. The main theme would be the environmental impact of animal agriculture. This is because that is the purpose/idea of the documentary. The filmmaker is trying to show mass audience how harmful animal agriculture is to the environment. Their is a conclusion to this documentary and its the possibility of a path the industry can take to practice sustainability and safe the future of the environment and generations. 

The purpose of this documentary is completely different than my purpose, however, it's knowledgeable towards me and my process of building my documentary. Since the documentary I'm making is about Elliana Gorecki who is seeking to be successful in musical theater and is in the theater program at the University of Tampa. The duration of the documentary I'm making would be her college years and the shows she participates in. The purpose of this documentary is to show her story and inspire others. So, the main theme of my documentary would be the journey of pursuing your passion. 

In my next blog post I'll discuss the naming process and finally put a name to the documentary I'm making. 


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