#8- Target Audience Research

 It is known that every media product has an audience, they are the people who spectate and consume the product. Every media product does have a specific audience, because there are a bunch of different people out there. These different people have different needs, interests and preferences. So, that leads to filmmakers having targeted audiences. I'm not necessarily building a project around a targeted audience I want like some filmmakers do. The documentary I'm doing will have specific people that would be interested in it and they would be considered my targeted audience. 

My documentary is all about Elliana Gorecki and her journey in musical theater. 

So, my overall targeted audience would be people that like and are interested in musical theater. People who could relate or want to get involved in the musical theater world would want to watch the documentary to find something they can relate to or learn from. A different audience may be people who are sure on what they want their future career to look like they might even grab inspiration from this documentary and start them on their journey into musical theater. A very informative and exposing documentary could influence and motivated a lot of people. 

The target audience could also grow overtime as well. Say Elliana becomes very popular for musical theater or even start acting in the future, her new fans could being in a new audience down the road. This widens the target audience to: People interested in musical theater, people wanting to discover new careers and future fans. 

Those categories are very basic because people of every gender, race, age and culture background could be interested in musical theater. The people that are wanting to discover new careers may be younger people. 


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