#7- Preliminary Exercise

For a preliminary assignment in class we had to take four cinematographic images in a documentary sense. 

This still would be for a documentary investigating a paranormal incident. This would be an establishing shot to a scene to make the audience feel eerie towards the action that will take place. The scene will be crosscutting from an interview and actors acting out what they are explaining.

This still would be from a documentary exploring the sport of baseball. This would be from a scene that has a voice over interview from a baseball player explaining how the sport brigs people together.

This still would be from a documentary covering the food selection of a local downtown area in a beach town in Florida. This would be an establishing shot introducing the beach town.

This would be a still of interview from the documentary. The documentary would be an investigative documentary on a school based case where the interviews have a plain background and work with the rule of thirds.
In my next blog post I'll be conducting research into my target audience and figure out who would be mine for my documentary. 


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