#4- Then and Now (Blog Version)


I'm completing the A Level Media Studies project during the 2024 spring test series. I wanted to take this course my senior year (this year) because it was newly introduced this year. However, I had be reassessed on my AICE Media Studies content, the project and exam. This is because I took AICE Media Studies my freshman year, and it didn't count because I had to take these classes back to back. I knew what I was up against when I signed up for A Level Media Studies and was ready to give my best work and transform my blog from my freshman year.

Comparing my 2021 and 2023 Blog Posts:

The difference was how much work I put into it and the amount of blog post that were published. The biggest difference was the first one having 16 blog post and the recent one having 32 blog post. My freshman year we, as a school, were new to the Cambridge program and I chose to take Media Studies because of my love for filmmaking. So, that explains why my newer AICE Media Studies blog post sounded and looked way better. 

Both blog post included:

- My official idea for the project

- Research on genre conventions

- Targeted audience

- Production process

- Storyboard

- Script

- Final cut

- CCR and CCR Script

However, that all my first blog had with a few post about assignments we did in class. So, my recent one is more developed and well rounded. It included:

- A more detailed timeline

- Specific case studies that I was influence by in my planning process

- Development of theme

- A post on a director I take inspiration from

- Post in forms of video discussing my equipment and editing

- Posts on setting

- Character creation and development

- Practicing filming and lighting

- Casting Process and costume situation

- Storyboard/Screenplay (Script) and the process of making them. As well as a camera shot list.

- BTS of the filming process through diary entrees.

- Sound and Editing process.

- Marketing techniques (posters and social media)

- CCR and CCR Script

- Final Cut (being my final post)

As you can tell from the list of post the blogs included it is obvious that my knowledge was more developed when I came back to this course. I was ready to make it better and I did. 

Comparing my 2021 and 2023 Blog Layouts:

The layouts of my last two blogs are very similar since I used the basic blog layout blogger gives you. I didn't do much collaboration or exploration of my peers blogs. This made them look very boring.

My first blog had less though put into it with a plain background and no change in any colors or fonts. I never did much exploring and discovering, so in my opinion it looked horrible. 

The second blog had the same layout, however, I  gave it a more on theme picture and explored with colors and font.

How these thoughts will impact my 2024 blog:

When building this blog I will reference to my most recent blog post if I need any ideas on what to post about. I feel I did a good job at covering a lot of stuff. However, I want to show how my skills and knowledge has developed as I learn more throughout the A Level course.

When it came to the layout of my blog post I collaborated with a peer in the class and she was showing me the layouts and how they make the blog look better. So through exploration of blogger I decided to choose this layout:

I have confidence that this blog post will be very developed by the end with a lot of information on the making of my five minute documentary. 


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