#16- Interview Skills

 For this practice interview I'll be testing my journalist skills. It is important I start thinking of questions before I interview people. So, for this practice interview I will ask my brother some questions about a game he plays often which is Fortnite. This is a subject that he enjoys, so it should make a good practice interview. Here are the questions I'll ask him:

- When did you start playing Fortnite? (what season/year)

 Gabe's answer: I started playing in chapter one/season five, which came out in July 2018. 

- How often do you play Fortnite?

 Gabe's answer: I play for hours everyday.

- What is your favorite season/chapter of the game?

 Gabe's answer: My favorite season is the season I started playing. It has the best map and the best skins. 

- What is your favorite skin to play as?

 Gabe's answer: I love to play as the Drift because I got him when I started and dressed up as him for halloween one year. 

- What does Fortnite mean to you?

 Gabe's answer: Fortnite means escape to me. I get to take time out of my day and talk to friends. It allows me to have fun in my day. 

- Do you see you playing this game for awhile? Or will you eventually quit?

 Gabe's answer: I see myself playing for awhile and maybe pick up streaming or doing competitions, so I can make money off of it.

This interview will help me think of questions and way to ask for answers from Elliana Gorecki. 


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