#15- Fears of A Teen Filmmaker

 The project is getting more serious as time goes on, and now I have completed research on documentaries and have completed 14 blog post. It is time to start planning dates for filming, I need to complete interviews and on location shots. 

I firstly need to shoot an interview with Elliana Gorecki, and possibly with her mom, and shoot some shots of on location scenes of Elliana and where will film the interview. 

I have been sharing updates with Elliana and trying to plan a date during Christmas Break, while she is home from college, to film and interview with her and possibly her mom. She told me that she was unsure her mom would want to be filmed or pictured. Hopefully she give me confirmation that she is okay being interviewed so I can ask her questions about Elliana for the documentary. Sadly, Elliana hasn't got back to me about a date for her interview. I understand this because the holidays are coming up and she is spending time with her family while she is home. However, this brings up fears for me as a teen filmmaker. When being a teenager people don't take you serious and planning with other young people it's hard to set a date for meetings and other stuff. I'm starting to worry that Elliana won't be able to film soon due to being busy and not giving me a set date for filming. This rises fears of having to change my documentary, because if I don't film at least half of the work before the mid-January I might have to change my project to something I can film quickly. I don't want to film and feel rushed while editing. I want to complete good work, and being rushed defiantly doesn't create that. 

I have been thinking of a "Plan B" just in case the current documentary becomes a failure. My father works for the company Air Methods, and I could do a documentary on him and the lifestyle he lives as a helicopter mechanic. I can plan with him more efficiently and it would still make a very interesting documentary. 

I do believe the documentary I have planned now will work out just fine, but I still have fears just because it is harder to make a film/documentary being a high school student working with younger people. 

Thanks to listening to my fears, in my next blog post I'll execute some practice for my interviewing skills. 


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