#2- My Decision


Something in me really wanted to do a short film, because I feel like I could make it interesting. However, I do really want to explore the different aspects of film making through the documentary perspective. So, my mind has be set on making a documentary for my final project. The documentary package will include my final cut, a social media page (which I'm very excited about), and a magazine page. 

The documentary idea I have decided to do is: a revealing exploration into behind the scenes of the theatre department at the University of Tampa, through the life of a student, as they approach a new show.

I have reached out to an old friend of mine that is a theatre student at the University of Tampa. Her name is Elliana Gorecki, a past Hudson High student. They is wildly talented and I thought an exploration into herself and her theatre life would make an entertaining documentary. She can share it with friends and family, and if she goes far in theatre it could be used as past footage. 

I texted her to catch up on recent life events, including her past show. She shows such a love from singing and acting on stage. I was blessed enough to see her first show on stage at University of Tampa, which was " Horse Girls." She did amazing! I'm really glad I'm able to spend more time with her and get to know her more form the documentary. 

There will be a lot of sport or event documentaries, I feel it'll be far more interesting to explore a possible career choice through a young person. It gives the audience a feel of where someone who possibly could go famous came from. If an audience member wants to break into the theatre world they can use this documentary to inspire and motivate them.

In my next blog post I'm going to go into more detail and outline my concept plan for the documentary. This concept plan will be like the documentary "storyboard." I will a written outline  of my ideas and how I want the documentary to look and include. I'll update when I get closer to filming, however, I know that a documentary won't truly follow a storyboard shot to shot. At least this concept plan will be tool to visualize my documentary and help me when it comes to filming.


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