#1- All Over the Place

Hello, I'm Lizette Nieves. I just recently completed the AICE Media Studies Final Project for the fall testing series of 2023. I was reassessed on my AICE skills so I can jump into A Level Media Studies. I've been getting very excited now that we have started discussing all about the A Level project. My ideas for what I want to do are all over the place. 

I get to choose between a short film or documentary, here are some possible ideas I have been brainstorming since the introduction of the project. 

Short Film Ideas:

-A group of tween boys and their fight against a supernatural force (Horror Genre)

-The representation of the different perspectives from different teens during a high school shooting (Drama Genre)

-The complexities of a father-daughter relationship explored during a car ride home from a high school party (Coming-of-age Genre) 

Documentary Ideas:

-An exploration of a love story between two people during their wedding.

-A behind the scenes exploration of a helicopter mechanic.

-A revealing exploration into behind the scenes of the theatre department at the University of Tampa, through the life of a student, as they approach a new show.

I'm leaning towards documentary, because I it will be different then my AICE Media Studies project because that was more related to a short film. I will also be able to work on my networking, filming, photography and journalist skills. In my next blog post I will make my final decision on what I want to do. 


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